Since the article in the Angling Times both the national and local media have taken an unhealthy interest in the story.
Articles have appeared in the Daily Mail Angler spends two years travelling 60000 miles around Britain in ..., Daily Express The hot rod who has hooked 100 kinds of fish in 3 years | UK News ... and even the Sun (and I kept my clothes on, and no I didn't get to appear on Page 3 with a dolly bird)!
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by one of Anglia TV's journalist Stuart Leithes, who using the electoral roll found out where I lived and posted a note through the letterbox.
Stuart wanted to do the interview on the bank so last Friday morning we finally filmed an interview on the River Welland near Stamford.
I arrived an hour before I was due to meet Stuart so that I could check out a couple of suitable swims for filming. As I stood on the bridge and looked downstream a kingfisher cut a sapphire blue streak through the air as it flew downstream, if only we could capture this on film. The river was that perfect bottle green colour and the day nice and overcast.
After the customary introductions Stuart and I wandered upstream to a small eddy below a weir to film me fishing. Unbelievably I landed a small chub of around two pounds from almost under the camermans' feet. This chub was not destined for stardom and hit the cutting room floor.
Stuart wanted to film me wandering down the bank so I awaited his signal from the bridge downstream before wandering down to our second swim. I had to not look at the camera whilst watching for the signal to stop.. tricky that one. I hedged my bets and baited up with a lobworm hoping to catch a decent perch for the camera. Stuart did some arty filming through the hawthorns opposite to where I was sat before walking back round over the bridge.. After an inconclusive twitch, no doubt a small perch, the interview began.
We chatting on camera for five to ten minutes before I saw out the corner of my eye my yellow bobbin moving, an instant strike saw a good chub on. Unfortunately the fish fell off which doesn't often happen with chub. As you might expect me losing a fish is in the final piece.
Stuart filmed his introductory piece which took five takes - no wonder the interviewer always looks so professional! I only got one take which is my excuse!
After an hour and a half Stuart left to do some more arty filming to act as a backgound to some photo's he wanted to use in the final piece. Within five minutes of Stuart leaving I had a near 2lb perch and the kingfisher returned and fished for minnows just behind where the introductory piece was filmed.
I had to leave early but the rest of the day produced another three chub including a couple of fours to 4lb 8oz. Remarkably I dropped another chub! The fishing was secondary to the experience of being filmed.
Thanks Stuart for a fun hour and producing an entertaining film.
Here is the finished piece: